Freelance BI Developer
Have you ever looked at a company’s website and wondered, still, “What do they do?” Well, this is not going to be one of those experiences.
I do two things:
- create professional-looking reports and dashboards
- develop databases that can be used in reports and dashboards
This line of work is called business intelligence, or “B.I.” for short, and it’s the focus of my freelance practice. Incidentally, when you hire a freelancer you need assurance they will be available when you need them. So it’s good to know that this is all I do.
Many freelancers are actually somebody else’s full-time employee. Your work is their side hustle.
Not so with me — freelancing is my job!
More Than a SQL Developer
When I got started freelancing, it was common just to call me a SQL developer. That’s because SQL was at the center of everything I did. The term business intelligence was more nascent, and software like Tableau and Power BI either didn’t exist, or hadn’t yet caught on.
That has changed. SQL is still part of my work, but companies are now dependent upon business intelligence just to remain competitive. I’ve kept up with the trends, and the demand for my skills has never been greater. Consequently, the depth of my work has increased along with it.
The Entire BI Platform
You might hear development work being called “front end” or “back end,” and there are good reasons for that. The front end is the part of the solution that faces the end user, such as reports and dashboards. Consequently, the back end is the part that works behind the scenes. It provides data and analytical processing when requested by the reports and dashboards.
Furthermore, here is a list of BI technologies I use to develop solutions. They are divided by category, listed front to back…
Front End BI Development
Back End BI Development
- SQL coding
- ETL, SSIS development
- Data Prep
- Data Warehouse development
- SSAS Tabular modeling
- Define Measures in DAX
- Define KPI
Hire Me as Your BI Developer
If you need a BI solution, but don’t want the burden of adding another employee, you can assign the work to me. I work on an hourly basis, and I do everything remotely without ever coming onsite. I can work with your existing databases and reports, or I can develop new solutions from the ground up.
If you aren’t even sure what you need, I can help with that, too. I will collaborate with you to design a practical approach that fits your needs, your budget, and your timeline.
Here is the Info You Need to Decide
I realize companies don’t haphazardly give access to their data to “some guy from the internet.” That’s asking too much. You don’t know me, and you might not even know enough about BI to make the right choices. Therefore, I created this website around a simple, two part agenda: inform and evaluate.
- Inform non-technical people about key business intelligence topics.
- Enable potential clients to evaluate whether I am someone they want to work with.
#1. Inform: BI Development Topics
To help you get up to speed I wrote a few general articles on business intelligence. They are intended to introduce a few concepts that might be good to know. Of course that depends on your requirements; each topic won’t be meaningful to everyone. If there is something you wish to see included, please let me know.
General Articles on Business Intelligence
- Case Study: All of the Parts of a Full Reporting Solution
- What is SSAS Tabular?
- Defining Measures
- Data Naming Conventions
In addition to those general articles, there are also some pages that correspond to the specific BI technologies I focus upon. These are centered on the work that I do, but they also inform about business intelligence in a general sense.
Specific BI Technologies I Focus Upon
- SSRS Reports and Subscriptions (SQL Server Reporting Services)
- SSIS Projects and ETL Jobs
- Power BI Reports and Dashboards
- Data Warehousing
- SQL Coding
#2. Evaluate: My Qualifications
To help you determine whether I am the right fit for your company, I have assembled some collaterals to support my qualifications as a trustworthy consultant. Some of the usual items you’d expect are here, such as a resume and references. In addition to that, you’ll find deeper, applicable evaluative data such as Myers & Briggs, and the DiSC personality profile types. Please use all of this information to consider my qualifications not only in terms of hands-on skills, but also my professionalism and overall fit.
- Narrative about me and how I built this career (includes Myers & Briggs and DiSC types)
- Full listing of all my past employment (resume/CV)
- Timeline of 25 yrs. experience as a SQL Developer
- Common interview questions answered by me
- Communication Skills (like mine) are Essential to BI
- Testimonials by business people about the work I do (references)
Next Steps, How to Get Started
Please take your time looking through the information on my website. Use it to evaluate my qualifications, and if there is anything you need to be informed about in terms of general BI, let me know what that is. Whether or not you’re ready to make a decision, please do not hesitate to contact me and open a discussion. It will be my pleasure to help you out.
Email: chris@majorleaguereports.com
Phone: 407-865-4940